Oil tanks

Heating oil tanks may last up to 20 years, although failures can occur much sooner if they are not properly installed and maintained, and this can be a serious business. Leakage can result in contaminated ground or watercourses and may result in substantial cleanup costs or even fines.
Also, many oil companies will refuse to deliver to a tank that they believe is unsafe or unsecure; as they may be partially liable if there was an issue.
For these, and other reasons, it’s important to keep your tank in a good state of health and, when it’s nearing the end of its life, to make arrangements for a new tank to be installed before any problems occur.
The heating oil club have made arrangements with one of the UK’s largest heating oil tank suppliers to get our members competitive rates through their network of experienced installers; who are aware of the latest regulations and can provide friendly, practical advice on the best solution available.

Whether you’re interested in:
or anything else, all you need to do is place an enquiry.