News: Chilly weather ahead, have you ordered your heating oil yet?
14th November 2022
With the weather finally becoming autumnal, it was quite a shock to many this morning when we awoke to fog and mist, low temperatures and a threat of heavy rainfall and ongoing inclement wintry weather.
As always at this time of year, we are alerted to the upcoming season by the wonderful supermarket Christmas adverts. It is also now that we urge our members to take stock of their personal heating oil levels and requirements. Prices have fallen - they are not low - but they are quite significantly better than they were just a couple of weeks ago.
Experience shows that it will get colder, the home heating oil market will get busier the more we edge towards Christmas and inevitably, prices will very probably increase.
If you can, please do check your tank and maybe advise your friends and neighbours to do the same. It really does make a lot of sense.