Join us

To become a member is entirely free and couldn’t be simpler. Just enter the information in the fields below and then click “Join us”.

Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.

Login information

Login information

Please enter a valid, working e-mail address to which you have access — it must be verified before you can use your account.

Passwords are case sensitive and must be at least 6 characters long.

We recommend that your password does not include common words or names, and combines uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

The heating oil club will only e-mail you if you request it (such as when placing an oil order), and with occasional newsletters unless you opt out below.

It must be at least 6 characters long.

Personal information

Personal information

Please enter your name, address and a phone number we (or one of our suppliers) could use to get in touch with you. Enter them as they are listed for your debit or credit card.

Your information is protected by our privacy policy.

Tank/Delivery information

Tank/Delivery information

Please enter the details of your main tank and any special delivery instructions for deliveries. Unsure of the size of your tank? Use our handy guide to tank sizes and capacities.

The tank reference is purely for your records, a simple way to recognise a particular tank when ordering.

Note: Extra tanks can be added once registered and additional special delivery instructions can be added on an order-by-order basis.

To help you to identify this tank — useful if you have more than one.

The approximate size of your oil tank in litres.

These instructions will be sent to the oil supplier fulfilling your order for every order you place. You can add additional special instructions to each individual order.

Contact preferences

Please select, if you wish to receive information about special offers and news from The heating oil club. Newsletters are sent out once or twice a month, and you may opt out at any time.